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Upstairs (daylight!) Desk? 💻 #290

Open nelsonic opened 5 days ago

nelsonic commented 5 days ago

I’d like to have a desk where I can sit to work when there isn’t anyone in the dining room:


I will make a sign for what times of day it can be used.

nelsonic commented 4 days ago

Really like the IKEA bamboo desk: https://www.olx.pt/d/anuncio/mesa-para-estudo-do-ikea-IDI0XOU.html

IMG_7553 IMG_7554

iteles commented 4 days ago

I onde ring if maybe we could please use the perfectly good (great!) desk that's in the library for now? It makes the library harder to use and is just a dumping ground for things. I can get it cleared tomorrow if we can use this even as just a trial desk for now?

nelsonic commented 4 days ago

Clearing the library desk is a great separate task. 👌