dwyl / home

🏑 πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ’‘ home is where you can [learn to] build the future surrounded by like-minded creative, friendly and [intrinsically] motivated people focussed on health, fitness and making things people and the world need!
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Standup #78

Open nelsonic opened 5 years ago

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

This issue contains our weekly progress updates. (we have a project but it's not great for viewing history)

Until we opened this issue, we had been conducting our standups verbally ... But as we all know, ephemeral project management is terrible for personal/team accountability.

Steps to participate:

  1. Ensure that the issue you are working on is well described (so that someone else can understand it) and has checklist items (acceptance criteria). If an issue does not exist for the work that needs to be done, create it. Avoid doing "bits and pieces" work that is impossible to track because does not promote team cohesion.
  2. Add a checklist item in this issue linking to the issue you are working on.
  3. When you complete the issue, check it off here so it's clear what has been done.
nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Yesterday I completed the model for the sun room nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#14 see: https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/14#issuecomment-504559126 Today I'm working on the sketch for the BBQ nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#77 (which is adjacent to the SunRoom)

iteles commented 5 years ago

@nelsonic Is your intention that this issue is a daily standup issue, updated daily? Or whenever we move onto another task?

It will certainly help me ensure I'm updating an issue for every action I take.

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

@iteles update this standup issue whenever you feel like you have something to update.

e.g: Yesterday I re-worked the BBQ area and feel I have enough of a model to show Carlos https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/77#issuecomment-505358464 image

today I worked on calculating how many SIPs panels we need for the new roof https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/35#issuecomment-505408665 painel-sandwich-cutting-list

Tomorrow my plan is to draw the weather protection ("roof") for the BBQ area. I'm happy to work on anything else on the Home project https://github.com/dwyl/home/projects/2 (please assign and mention me on any issue that his higher priority)

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Yesterday I finished the sketch of the BBQ area: https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/77#issuecomment-506247820 image

Going to setup the A3 Printer so that I can print off the latest versions of drawings (Attic Stairs nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#30, Sunroom nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#14 and BBQ nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#77)

If I do go into "town" today, I will take the detailed measurements for the bathroom stalls (so that they can be rendered for Carlos to make them ASAP). If I don't go into town, I will instead spend my time writing code (relevant to Braga/@home but not in the @home backlog...)

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Yesterday we went to the building site and took the measurements for the "drinks fridge" nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#82 Today I'm focussing on writing code for the house ... going right back to basics: https://github.com/dwyl/person/issues/1

iteles commented 5 years ago

Yesterday I:

Today I:

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

This week I've been setting up the Maslow CNC machine https://github.com/nelsonic/learn-cad-cam-cnc/issues/71 Having a bit of trouble with calibration ... #persistence

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Today I created list of all furniture required for house: /furniture The list is 50 items but given that there are 16 bunks, 5 double beds, 20 desks, 4 dining tables, 8 benches, 10 sofas and 5 wardrobes we have well over 100 pieces of furniture to make.

I estimate this will take a minimum of 200 hours on a CNC machine. Our local CNC provider charges €55/hour + €5 (setup fee per piece). 200 x €55 + 100 x €5 = €11,500 of CNC

@iteles this is why I was saying that a "Professional" CNC machine made sense as an investment. Not least because iteration time will be much faster an any "mistakes" in design less costly. Sadly the precision of the Maslow CNC at the "edges" of the material is not good enough for furniture.

I think once I've mastered the CNC myself I will make a video on the whole process so that I can recruit a machine operator to do the feeding, watching and removals while I focus on design (and coding...) That will be around €700/month (full time) for a couple of months. But if the person is competent and the machine not too noisy to use during the day, (I intend to have very good sound insulation in the garage to avoid noise leaking...) we could put the designs for the Sit/Stand desk on a small Shopify site and see if it sells. Either way the investment of the machine pays for itself just by making furniture for the house.

iteles commented 4 years ago

Today my main tasks are:

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

This week we finally ordered our Laser Cutter https://github.com/nelsonic/learn-cad-cam-cnc/issues/70 πŸ’₯ πŸ’Έ This will allow us to make all our own furniture including cutting fabrics for soft furnishings! πŸ’‘ I spent a bit of time finishing my PRs for @dwyl's mission: https://github.com/dwyl/start-here/pull/188 🎯 See: https://github.com/dwyl/start-here/blob/master/mission.md#what-is-dwyls-mission πŸ‘€ and tidying up the Product Roadmap: https://github.com/dwyl/product-roadmap/pull/13 πŸ“± This is essential for @home because it helps clarify why πŸ’­ we are spending all this time/effort and cash on a house. 🏑

As soon as I've finished the update to the (Software) Product Roadmap, πŸ—Ί I will be returning to work on the (hopefully) final design of the Attic Spiral Staircase nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#30 ⏳

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

This week I finished my work on the Attic Spiral Staircase nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#30 by concluding the assembly: https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/136#issuecomment-674398098


Once the glass is in - pending glaziers but "soon" - I will glue the "flaps" to hide the bolts and it will be done.

My next highest priority task for the house is the "Mini" Kitchen: https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/54