dwyl / intellectual-property

:thought_balloon: All questions (and answers!) relating to intellectual property.
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Move this repo into hq #7

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Should we move this repo into hq?

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

We like having a repo explaining our intellectual property. 👍

ghost commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic should all the issues about domains and trademarks be moved here?

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Hi @markwilliamfirth apologies for un-assigning myself form this yesterday without any explanation.

I did not feel like the issue gave sufficient explanation for why it made sense to move the Intellectual Property discussion/content to the https://github.com/dwyl/hq repo instead of having a logically separate repo.


I really don't mind what gets done here. I didn't think I needed to be assigned to the issue/task because I don't think it requires my unique abilities/input to resolve it, whereas the coding tasks currently assigned to me can only be performed by me (because I'm the one who has put in the time to acquire the knowledge/skill to build things for our clients & internal projects...)

Apologies for closing the issue prematurely, I agree that IP should definitely be on the "agenda", I just don't know how "high up" given that we don't have a product to "protect".

The idea/reason for having a separate Intellectual Property repository is so that we can capture all IP-related questions in a single place rather than "polluting" the HQ or project-specific repos ...

I'm happy for someone else to make the decision as to where to put the IP-related "FAQ". The trademarks can be added here as a trademarks.md with lots-a-detail as to why we applied for them and how other people can do the same. That info/detail can also be added to "HQ" if that is preferred. I really don't mind.

I need to focus on:


Thanks again for being proactive about sorting out all the "Ops" issues, ur doing good work! ✅

As a "rule-of-thumb" for what to do when you are "stuck" for task: "sharpen the saw" ... I think everyone in the community/team/company should be focussed on (spending at least 1h per day) learning/practicing their "PETE" knowledge/skills see: https://github.com/dwyl/technology-stack#the-pete-stack so that we all know how to take a feature/idea from low-fi sketch to production in the shortest amount of time possible.

Even if we don't all write the code, we should all know how to. Even people in "Customer Service" should know how to code. Heck, I would suggest the people doing the cleaning should learn how to code so they can build the cleaning robots that will eventually replace them.

I spend all my "spare" moments learning how to write better code and I would encourage everyone else to do the same because it systematically adds more value (i.e. we can do better/valuable work for the clients/company). This is the highest-value work we can all do. Everything else is a "nice-to-have" at this point (after taxes/salaries are paid). 😉

Please only assign issues to me when only I can can answer/resolve them. (if in doubt mention but don't assign...) And only add a priority-1 label when something is either causing us acute pain or costing us money/reputation right now or will do in the immediate future. See: https://github.com/dwyl/labels#labels as @iteles wrote: priority-1 means "drop everything and work on this (used only when completely necessary)"

if ever in doubt what is a P1 that should be assigned to me (nelson), ask: "Is this a Production Bug?".

Thanks! Hope you have a great day! ❤️ 🌈 ☀️

ghost commented 7 years ago

Resolved to move internal ip issues to hq for now to have them all in the same place. Will make decision regarding where FAQ file goes at a later date - moved to priority 3

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Closing as this is nonsense "busywork" that adds no value to anyone.