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🎯 What does it mean to be a leader in your own life and how do you get there?
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Good TED Talks on Leadership #1

Open nelsonic opened 5 years ago

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

If you haven't watched this TED Talk, add it to your list:

Extreme Ownership | Jocko Willink

image https://youtu.be/ljqra3BcqWM

While I don't agree with the military invasion of Iraq to "liberate" the country's Oil reserves ... 🙄

I feel that Jocko Willink is one of the "good guys" who felt he was "protecting freedom from terrorists"... His message of taking "extreme" ownership is what matters (IMO), not how he got his gruelling battlefield experience.

The question of wether individual countries need an independent military (on which they spend more than their education budget! ...) when there has been NATO since 1949, is a question for a whole other essay/discussion/debate.

If you can share links to other good TED talks on leadership you think people should watch, it would be awesome!

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

This is a pretty good list of talks: https://www.ted.com/playlists/140/how_leaders_inspire (note: all the speakers are White Middle Class ... so this might only represent one perspective ... 🙄)

iteles commented 5 years ago

This podcast is one of my favourite things on leadership recently, to the point that I've ordered the book - 'Multipliers': https://www.the1thing.com/podcasts/161/

All about the idea that even with well-meaning actions, you can be doing more harm than good. Really hit home for me.