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🎯 What does it mean to be a leader in your own life and how do you get there?
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Simon Sinek on Empathy and Perspective #4

Open iteles opened 5 years ago

iteles commented 5 years ago


If you want to be a great leader, start with empathy.

Practicing empathy

Great story about a barista who was brilliant and when asked, immediately said he loved him job. Why? 'Throughout the day, managers walk past and ask if there's anything that I need to do my job better - not just my manager, any manager. At Caesar's Palace where I also work, they are just checking if we're doing everything right, they catch us when we're doing anything wrong, so there I just keep my head down.'

As leaders, we need to practice empathy.

Great example of difference between non-empathy and empathy: 'Your numbers are down for the 3rd quarter in a row, you need to pick them up or I can't defend you' vs 'Your numbers are down for the 3rd quarter in a row, are you OK? I'm worried about you, what's going on?'

Empathy is caring about the human being, not just their output

"The Millenial Problem

https://youtu.be/RyTQ5-SQYTo?t=510 Apparently this young generation is un-leadable. How do we practice empathy with a group we don't understand of are struggling with? This is split into 4 parts:

Ask the question "How do I help my people be at their natural best?" - if you practice empathy, relate to what they may be going through, it will profoundly change the decisions we make.


It's not about winning or losing. It's an infinite game.

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Simon Sinek Explains What Almost Every Leader Gets Wrong: https://youtu.be/Ar20m23XY_c The Infinite Game: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Infinite-Game-Businesses-Achieve-Long-Lasting/dp/0241295599 (only available June 6, 2019...)

Svishva commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @iteles, and @nelsonic For sharing. This is important every Person must be learned.

Sharing my playlist of Simon Sinek. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfe4aCz_HK7lYbZ5FgB6u38AMZcbax7er
