dwyl / learn-aquaponics

:fish: :seedling: :sunny: Learn how to create and maintain a sustainable mini-ecosystem
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Organise field trip to learn from "GrowUp" #5

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

http://growup.org.uk is doing Aquaponics as a Business in East London! see: https://youtu.be/auidofdboSQ and https://youtu.be/ldsNRV2_2pw

@JMurphyWeb is friends with them and might be able to help us:


nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@iteles thank you for organising the trip to visit the GrowUp Container in Stratford last weekend. ines-in-front-of-growup-container

Seeing the the Container in person was interesting however I feel the tour in this video is better than the one we got in "RL": https://youtu.be/hPKCdThs3bw?t=13s

But it was worth it to go out there and meet Sam. Hopefully we have time to pursue a partnership with GrowUp in 2017.

The YouTube channel that I mentioned which has loads of great insight into Aquaponics (where you would have learned a lot more than physically going out to visit the container in less time that it took us to travel out there and back...) is: https://www.youtube.com/user/BrightAgrotechLLC

@eliascodes if you are keen on helping GrowUp build a control system and feedback loop with a graphical dashboard to monitor their Ops, we would like to pitch them on an MVP (e.g 2 one-week sprints) which I would personally fund ("subsidise") because it's part of our "PhaseTwo" Objectives (discussed in #dwylsummer ... I can explain how we will get an "ROI" on this investment if you're interested...)

eliasmalik commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic let's talk next week. When are you around?

jay-meister commented 7 years ago

@eliascodes & @nelsonic I would love to get involved with this! (I am working on a meet/tour sometime in Jan?)

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@eliascodes annoyingly, we are not around next week... we could organise a hangout tho... @JMurphyWeb we are back in LDN on the 9th of Jan. any time after that would be great! If you can organise the visit we'd be very grateful! ❤️
