dwyl / learn-elixir

:droplet: Learn the Elixir programming language to build functional, fast, scalable and maintainable web applications!
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Ash #188

Open ndrean opened 1 year ago

ndrean commented 1 year ago

Any experience with Ash? This declarative approach seems really interesting.

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

@ndrean thanks for opening this issue to capture the research into https://github.com/ash-project/ash 👌 We briefly looked at it a while back but forgot to open an issue. It looks very promising but I don't immediately see the benefit over a standard Phoenix + LiveView App ...





Need to make time to follow https://www.ash-hq.org/docs/guides/ash/latest/tutorials/get-started 👩‍💻 to determine if it would be useful to us 🤞 or if it creates an unnecessary abstraction layer 🤷‍♂️ that makes debugging more tedious. ⏳

ndrean commented 1 year ago

Made me think of docker-compose over the Docker files, or Ecto over SQL. If you just make queries, the Ecto DSL (especially de "macro" |> one) is another - verbose, not so usefull - tool to learn over SQL. But as soon as you start INSERT data, then the changeset and multi abstraction with Transaction is pretty neat I think. I will try the example too, curious about the boilerplate served.

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I often feel that the Ecto Abstraction is annoying and less maintainable than SQL … but that appears to be counter to the consensus in the Elixir/Phoenix community. 💭

Again, very curious to investigate this. 👌

ndrean commented 8 months ago


To read, one day!

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