dwyl / learn-elixir

:droplet: Learn the Elixir programming language to build functional, fast, scalable and maintainable web applications!
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Add Livebook #196

Closed ndrean closed 1 year ago

ndrean commented 1 year ago

Can you review the addition of Livebook?

added the ".livemd" file modified Readme to handle Livebook. -> the contents: added install / Livebook -> In the "how" paragraph, added a button link to Fly.io + howto -> a Livebook install + a button to upload and run the Livebook locally

Nb: the links should be tested. I rewrote them targetting the futur repo but still need to check.

ndrean commented 1 year ago

I have added a mermaid diagram for the process message passing, some sequence diagram and a plot to visualize computation time.

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

@ndrean I've had a quick look and LGTM! 👌 Once you feel that the PR is ready for review, feel free to assign and I will do a bit more in-depth look. 🧑‍💻

ndrean commented 1 year ago

A Javascripter friend of mine had a quick look and challenged me with the ordering of some concepts that were not clear to him, so I went through quite a few little modifications: re-ordering in a way that concepts and notations aren't used before being defined, and little developments. Although I tried to follow closely the original work though, it is an opinionated try :)

The Fly.io Livebook can be modified as well, I guess it is open.