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[Video] ElixirConf 2023 - José Valim - foundations of the `Elixir` type system #210

Open nelsonic opened 9 months ago

nelsonic commented 9 months ago



Adding to my watch list. Recommend you do the same. 📺 Not super urgent as it's a "future of Elixir" talk ...

ndrean commented 9 months ago

Typescript is popular because of the editor integration. Punto final. A non-politically correct opinion: this presentation is not very good, and provided very few arguments and he even seemed to have struggled, not very convincing.... especially if THE goal is not to make the code run FASTER. Is Elixir not adopted because it is (too) easy to produce bugs? Or not adopted because a function signature is hard to find/unclear and thus produces bugs? He should focus on making the code run faster on the BEAM, an/or optimise the BEAM itself, and/or focus on developing a solid LLM copilot for Elixir code. And I say that because I pay taxes in France and not very happy to discover how my money is being waste.