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elm-spa single page apps made easy #154

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

https://www.elm-spa.dev https://discourse.elm-lang.org/t/elm-spa-single-page-apps-made-easy/4950

SimonLab commented 4 years ago


nelsonic commented 4 years ago

The elm-spa-example is a bit overwhelming from beginner's perspective ... There is a lot of code in https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-spa-example/tree/master/src spread over several files. This is good for "code organisation" but without any UI screenshots in the repo's README.md it's not clear where people should start reading the code. Obviously we should start with Main.elm as the entry point, but then what? Read the files in alphabetical order? The comments in the file are good when they exist but they are inconsistent. Some things are quite well explained an others are left for the reader to decipher/infer.

Finally my biggest gripe with the project, the /tests are limited to one file tests/RoutingTests.elm which has a "TODO" comment:

-- TODO need to add lots more tests!

image i.e. this "example" app was built following the "test later" methodology. This is exactly what we want avoid beginners getting into the habit of doing! 😞