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Which `Go` Web Framework in 2024? #5

Open nelsonic opened 2 weeks ago

nelsonic commented 2 weeks ago

Need to do a quick recon of Go Web frameworks to decide which one we can/should use for a mini project that might turn into a larger one ...

Specifically need:

  1. Something "batteries included" like Phoenix or lightweight but easy to extend like next.js
  2. Fast UI rendering using a library like htmx.
  3. Ideally auth built-in or a simple to add like mix phx.gen.auth or via plugin.
  4. If there is an "admin interface" generator similar to phoenix mix.gen.html

Reading: https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/11044h8/best_web_sever_framework/ it appears as though our initial list for research is:

Note: we need to do this research as a "break" from our other more pressing work.

nelsonic commented 2 weeks ago
