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Is the tag manager already setup for the demo account? #25

Open akshayreddykotha opened 4 years ago

akshayreddykotha commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

The README.md is very helpful to dive in from scratch into setting up GA. My question is whether the tag manager is already setup for the demo account?

Is that the reason I already see hits when I access the demo account of google analytics?

Regards Akshay

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@akshayreddykotha yes, typically the demo account already has everything setup so it's ready to use. 👍

akshayreddykotha commented 4 years ago

Thanks @nelsonic. Few follow up questions though:

  1. What is the highest level thing I can do with that access?

  2. Vaguely, I can say that I can create some custom reports and dashboards. But can I any advanced stuff with respect to analysis or insight generation?

Thanks! Akshay

P.S. I understand that insight generation depends solely on how the data is interpreted by the analyst but you can consider my questions from the 'features of GA' perspective.