I am not sure if this was intended in the first place or a typo. I was learning from your article and the first time I ran code coverage on mischief.js, it had a 100% coverage. After scratching my head for sometime, I realized it's doing what the test asked it to do. I had to update the 20000 to number < 10000 to have the right output.
I am not sure if this was intended in the first place or a typo. I was learning from your article and the first time I ran code coverage on mischief.js, it had a 100% coverage. After scratching my head for sometime, I realized it's doing what the test asked it to do. I had to update the 20000 to number < 10000 to have the right output.
console.log("\nExpect Account1 Opening Balance "+getAccountBalance(account1) +" === 0 \u2713 "); creditAccount(account1, 2000, 'Add Funds'); transferMoney(account1,account2, 100, 'Give money to friend'); transferMoney(account2,account1, 10, 'Transfer back 10');