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Codewars kata series for practicing JS fundamentals #26

Open YvesMuyaBenda opened 7 years ago

YvesMuyaBenda commented 7 years ago

I came across this Kata series for practicing Javascript fundamentals in one of the F&C Gitter groups: Codewars Kata Series for practicing JS fundamentals I think such aa series would have been excellent an excellent orientation into codewars Katas and would have saved me a whole lot of time.

In the back of my mind is something like a Javascript algorithmic problem solving book, which sequentially introduces the langauge constructs, use cases of language constructs, program solving patterns and idioms (accumulating with a for loop for example), using Codewar Kata type problems (for example, there is a classification of problems that might go under the name "coding and decoding", another by the term "number systems"; the general idea would be to catalogue the sequence of ideas and themes and general CS principles that would allow one to solve progressively more difficult Katas).

Whatever might be my unrealised fantasies, this series does contain the essence of what I had in mind, something like a problem-solving supplement for Eloquent Javascript, and too, this person has put something out there. I suppose when first learning of Codewar Katas what I wanted wanted was an organized progression of ideas, starting simple, leading all up to the more difficult katas.