dwyl / learn-phoenix-framework

:fire: Phoenix is the web framework without compromise on speed, reliability or maintainability! Don't settle for less. :rocket:
646 stars 45 forks source link

Great Resource #112

Closed njwest closed 5 years ago

njwest commented 6 years ago

Hey ya'll, just wanted to leave a note -- I think this is a phenomenal learning resource and I am quite thankful that you all put it up here!

Would be great to see it updated for Phoenix 1.3+

Also, some of the examples are incomplete (missing schema/changeset functions referenced in controller code). If this project is ever resurrected and updated to Phoenix 1.3, consider filling in the gaps

Thanks again!

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

@njwest thanks for the note. 👍 have you seen: https://github.com/dwyl/phoenix-chat-example ? 💭