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How to make debug logging appear in terminal #119

Closed Cleop closed 5 years ago

Cleop commented 5 years ago

I'm working on a project where the server runs and displays this in the terminal: image

However it is not displaying the blue debug logging that I have seen before in Phoenix projects. @RobStallion pointed this out the other day. I would like to reinstate them on the project as I think they can help me understand things during debugging but I am unsure about how to do so.

@Danwhy @RobStallion any ideas?

Cleop commented 5 years ago

This question from @samhstn asks about how to remove the debug messages:


It helped me fix the problem in dev.exs by adding level: :debug to the logger so it looks like this:

config :logger, :console, level: :debug, format: "[$level] $message\n"

Cleop commented 5 years ago


Closing as resolved 👍