Installed postgres, Jack using homebrew, @mk4111 using Ubuntu #19
Read this repository as well as various other resources/stack overflow questions trying to understand some basic things that were cropping up with installation
Read the example commands in this readme but took a lot of further reading to really understand how to create a table, insert to that table and delete rows. #22
Looked at Hapi-postgres-connection - Not that useful for a beginner. (TODO say why)
Looked at Hapi-postgres-login - Useful to see it all in use in a node app, not perfect for beginner, (using escape module, saving in .sql file as opposed to strings, have to dig into the tests to see how to create a table)
Set up basic js file that creates a table & inserts to that table
Added a basic script to convert JSON data to sql query
Now going to build a slightly more realistic table for our use case: Tables: tags, tag-categories, tag-categories-relations, to really understand this idea of having a table containing relations between two data sets. 1 to Many I believe.
Later we will attempt to build a hapi tags plugin which we hope will give us a better idea of how to test, how this all fits in with a hapi application, gain deeper understanding of SQL commands that we discussed we will be doing in our upcoming project.
Yesterday we: