dwyl / learn-postgresql

🐘 Learn how to use PostgreSQL and Structured Query Language (SQL) to store and query your relational data. 🔍
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Who is using Postgres? #31

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

NOT that you/we should ever make a decision based on someone else using something, but as humans we naturally give "credibility" to something based on "social proof".

Mostly people (CIOs/CTOs) don't want to feel like they're making the "wrong" decision... So having a list of "successful companies/organisations use XYZ Tech..." is useful in "high level" discussions...

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anyone "concerned" that PostgreSQL does not "scale" look at CitusDB: https://www.citusdata.com

kevintelford commented 6 years ago

I think its worth noting too that many "big data" or "cloud scale" databases (eg AWS Redshift, Netezza, Greenplum, etc) are based on PostgreSQL, and as such many more companies rely on a PostgreSQL-based solution as well.

tommycrest commented 6 years ago

PostgreSQL is a database with great features easy to setup and useable on Heroku and some other Cloud Platform (Ms Azure ). Personally used with Rail 5 for a backend application and I must to say "wonderful".