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Partial index aka conditional index #89

Open ndrean opened 1 year ago

ndrean commented 1 year ago

You can create a unique index with constraints. This should be declared in a changeset to capture the propgation of the error from the database


Example: given an "event_id", you want at most one record with status="owner"

[evt, user, status]
[1,  1,    owner]   <- ok
[1,  2,    owner]   <- not allowed
[1,  2,    pending] <- ok
[1,  3,    pending] <- ok
# migration
create unique_index(:event_participants, [:event_id],
             where: "status = 'owner'",
             name: :unique_owner
# schema
def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = event_participants, attrs) do
   |> unique_constraint([:event_id], where: "status = 'owner'", name: :unique_owner)