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"The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react." ~ George Bernard Shaw
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Full-Stack Redux Tutorial #5

Closed nelsonic closed 8 years ago

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

Test-First Development with Redux, React, and Immutable by @teropa http://teropa.info/blog/2015/09/10/full-stack-redux-tutorial.html

sofer commented 8 years ago

@nelsonic I also like the Getting Started with Redux tutorial by Dan Abramov, which starts off with unit tests (although conveniently forgets about them after the first few sections).

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

@sofer () => https://github.com/nelsonic/learn-redux/blob/master/egghead.io_video_tutorial_notes.md :wink:

sofer commented 8 years ago


nelsonic commented 8 years ago

See: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-redux