dwyl / learn-redux

:boom: Comprehensive Notes for Learning (how to use) Redux to manage state in your Web/Mobile (React.js) Apps.
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Update/Improve instructions for how to use the Egghead.io notes/transcriptions #53

Closed nelsonic closed 6 years ago

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

The whole purpose for writing the notes on the Egghead.io videos is that the notes make it quick(er)/easier to watch the tutorials which means you can learn Redux faster!


At present we have the following copy: image see: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-redux/tree/9b463df55e115ad6fa2e26f670270d94a1cd9d08#learn-from-the-creator-of-redux


I think it's worth updating the "How?" section of the README.md to include a Screenshot of an example setup people can adopt while watching the videos and some instructive copy, e.g:

Learn from the Creator of Redux!

The fastest way to learn Redux is to watch the Introductory Video Tutorials recoded by Dan Abramov (the Creator of Redux).
The videos are broken down into "bite size" chunks which are easily digestible. Total viewing time for the videos is [66 minutes]()

We have made a set of comprehensive notes/transcriptions on the videos, these are in: egghead.io_video_tutorial_notes.md

We recommend keeping the notes open in a distinct window/browser while you are watching the videos; you can go a lot faster because all the sample code is included and if for any reason you do not understand what Dan is saying you have the notes to refer to.


Please give feedback and suggest improvements by creating issues on GitHub: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-redux/issues Thanks!
