dwyl / learn-security

:closed_lock_with_key: For most technology projects Security is an "after thought", it does not have to be that way; let's be proactive!
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Full Text of GDPR #71

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

At present our GDPR section of the README.md does not have a link to the full text of the GDPR. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679

It's only 88 pages long and can be read in a day or two. I propose that we add a link to the English version of the PDF. CELEX_32016R0679_EN_TXT.pdf

Also, fun fact: You can get a FREE printed copy of the GDPR delivered to you: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/44d8441b-5fc5-11e8-ab9c-01aa75ed71a1 image image