dwyl / learn-security

:closed_lock_with_key: For most technology projects Security is an "after thought", it does not have to be that way; let's be proactive!
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Should we be using `OpenBSD` instead of `Linux`? #73

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

As security-conscious people we want to maximise the security of what we are building at every level. OpenBSD is a security-focused, free and open-source, Unix-like operating system based on the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenBSD

If you're new to BSD read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Software_Distribution And for a comparison of all the available BSDs see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BSD_operating_systems My reason for OpenBSD is that it's the most security-focussed OS.

OpenBSD is listed as a supported OS for Elixir: https://elixir-lang.org/install.html elixir-openbsd

And thankfully @nabbisen has written up these instructions for running PostgreSQL on OpenBSD: https://dev.to/nabbisen/installing-postgresql-11-2-server-on-openbsd-6-5-4oh9 so we know it works.




I think it's worth us investing a few hours to get OpenBSD running on a local machine to test it. And if we feel comfortable with it, trying to run it on Linode.

nelsonic commented 4 years ago


nabbisen commented 4 years ago

Hello. Thank you for your adding a reference to my post.

And thankfully @nabbisen has written up these instructions for running PostgreSQL on OpenBSD: https://dev.to/nabbisen/installing-postgresql-11-2-server-on-openbsd-6-5-4oh9 so we know it works.

I've written up a new post: https://dev.to/nabbisen/installing-postgresql-12-2-server-on-openbsd-6-7-3bj2 PostgreSQL 12.2 works well on OpenBSD 6.7, the latest, as well :)

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

Running OpenBSD 6.7 on my Mac via VirtualBox: image

Going to try and follow the latest instructions to install PostgreSQL 🤞

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

An OpenBSD talk by Michael Warren Lucas (MWL) https://mwl.io author of Absolute OpenBSD image https://youtu.be/BXPV3vJF99k

It's not a short talk but there's a decent amount of info in it. Worth watching if you want to understand OpenBSD. 📺