dwyl / learn-typescript

⌨️ Learn how to use TypeScript to enhance your JavaScript skills with type safety.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Why? What? Who? How? #1

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago


We have been writing JavaScript since 2005. Along the way we have tried several Compile-to-JS languages. Most of them remain niche and

If you are a web application developer, and don't already know Typescript, I recommend watching Richard Feldman's ReactiveConf 2019 Talk: "Predicting the Future of the Web" image https://youtu.be/okrB3aJtUaw

"I think the next big thing on the web will be Typescript. I don't think Elm will take over the world, I think Typescript will." ~ Richard Feldman 2019

Baring in mind that Richard has a significant investment of time/effort in Elm https://www.manning.com/books/elm-in-action and NoRedInk (his employer) are the single biggest Elm user, he sees the trends as "writing on the wall"; Typescript will take over. Read: https://blog.noredink.com/post/190753809533/what-would-you-pay-for-type-checking


Summarise the intro on https://www.typescriptlang.org


The main benefits are:


Typescript is relevant to anyone writing JavaScript in 2020 who wants to sharpen their skills in preparation for a future where Typescript is ubiquitous.


With this repo we want a hybrid of https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elixir with a tour of the benefits followed by the syntax. Then we want to build a sample (basic) project to show it in action including setup, compilation, testing and deployment.

Relevant Reading

newswim commented 4 years ago

Hey Nelson! I wrote an article a while back that is really just a collection of resources. Feel free to use any of these or copy any of the text as you see fit.


nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@newswim nice one! Reading it now. 👀

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

3h Tutorial with examples: https://youtu.be/BwuLxPH8IDs