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Move Closer to Palmers Road to Reduce Commute #11

Closed nelsonic closed 6 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@iteles a while back we discussed the idea of moving closer to Palmers' Road so we would not have to commute 35mins each way from MDC.

Well, today I spotted that #13 Palmers Road is available for rent and called them up. 13-palmers-road-london-flat-for-rent


Working total cost: £2,600

Note: I have requested additional costs estimates from the estate agent.


Total income: £2,600 (predicted)

If we estimate that we currently "spend" 10 days per month at FAC it's 20 hours of commute time. If we conservatively charge £20 per hour to clients we will save £400 per month. (as you know our rates are a little higher so our corresponding saving would be more.)

The main selling point for me is that I could work from the #QuietSpace more often and for longer, walk across the street and go straight to sleep. #DieEmptyEveryDay

We are about to go into "Startup Mode" we need to eliminate any time-wasting activities (commuting) and focus!

Expected total time for the move: 1 weekend. (We would only clear out our room and the upstairs closet and bring anything else we want from the office)

Plus the time to find someone to take over our room at MDC. (M can help...)


jackcarlisle commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic just as a note for AirBnB, you need to make sure that there is no prohibition to subletting in the tenancy agreement

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@jackcarlisle do the places you are currently looking at allow subletting (contractually)? I intend to ask the agent during our viewing this afternoon. If he says "that's fine" I will get it in writing. but if he says "no way", then we can re-think our revenue options...

jackcarlisle commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic some do and some don't. Sometimes all the landlord cares about is getting their rent each month and they don't mind if it's through subletting

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Got this reply from the letting agent: 13-palmers-road-flat-costs man it's expensive just to rent a place in London...! 😕

Asked for viewing this afternoon/evening. let's see if they get back to us.

iteles commented 7 years ago

I'm working on numbers but ultimately, at this stage and for this next year, saving ourselves the commute is not only worth it, but necessary.

We should go for a 12 month contract with a 6 month break clause or a 6 month contract.

Did Ellis & Co get back to you @nelsonic or shall I follow up tomorrow morning?

iteles commented 7 years ago

3 bedroom places are proving very hard to find in the area.

2 bedroom places are more realistic but tend to be in the region of £1,800 without bills. Ouch. Having a mortgage is a lot cheaper than renting in London...!

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@iteles I think a 2-bed place is the way to go at this point. My understanding is @jackcarlisle will stay at his current spot in West London for foreseeable future. ✅ As much as it pains me to spend (waste) money on Rent (when we could easily buy with a minimal deposit and some proof of earnings, see: https://www.freelancerfinancials.uk.com/mortgages-for-contractors/ ) we do need to think about moving soon... commuting is lame.

jackcarlisle commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic yeah hopefully staying central until March and then making the move West

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

We've now viewed 4 flats on or near Palmers Road. 🔍 We have one more viewing booked for Tuesday. 📆 .then we need to decide and then make our move. 📦 🚀

@jackcarlisle feel free to unsubscribe from the issue if it's "noisy"... 🙉 😉

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@iteles What else do we still need to do for the move...? (please update the checklist in the first comment of the issue...) 😉

iteles commented 7 years ago

Updated! We've gone for a small flat on Palmers' Road.

We decided to go for renting rather than buying as there are no worthwhile investments that we could find at the moment and we don't exactly have a lot of time to play with to fix up a new house (the whole point of moving is to buy back some time).

Move date set: Sunday 20th November

iteles commented 7 years ago

Updated checklist in the top comment :arrow_up:

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

The tasks/checklist is almost done ... @iteles, please let me know if/how I can help with the last few items ... 👍

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

done. saved @iteles a few hundred hours. 👍