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Tamera #115

Open nelsonic opened 2 years ago

nelsonic commented 2 years ago






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"diseases are mostly caused by blocked life energies." ...

Homeopathic A&E: https://youtu.be/HMGIbOGu8q0



Potential place to stay when visiting: https://pureportugalholidays.com/beja/odemira/holidays/bell-tent-near-tamera-BIL6slYe/

iteles commented 2 years ago

Well this is intensely cool 😱

I mean, not the bit about healing disease with energies but other than that, what a philosophy 🤩

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

I have many thoughts on this and other similar "Peace & Love" [naive] communities. They sound very good on paper or in principal but there's no way the 8 billion people on Earth could live this way; there just isn't enough [arable] land or [fresh] water #21 to sustain it! Let me say up-front that I'm glad they exist and I wish them all the best in the world!

I would love to visit them and see what they have learned in their 30 year experiment. I'm super on-board with redirecting the money wasted on pointless wars into peace and sustainability. Just not in this naive "healing crystals" everything alternative just for the sake of it way.


They use technology created by Capitalism (Mobile Phones, Computers, Solar Panels, LED Lights, water filtration systems, washing machines, etc.) but want to build a "Post-Capitalism" utopia. It's so illogical it's insane! 🤦‍♂️

Let them live like the Amish with zero electricity or other 21st Century Tech and see how many people still want to live there. 🙄 Tell them they can't wear shoes created by capitalist companies, or use any tools or products created by capitalism and see how

https://www.tamera.org/how-were-funded/# image


They're basically funded by visitors and donations. i.e. massive charity case. They don't produce anything of value that anyone would want to exchange for. It's typical of academics & hippie dreamers to think this kind of thing would scale; it doesn't! The visitors who donate cash to them live and work in the real world. Without that influx of funds they would literally not be able to keep the lights on.

Their 330 acres of Land was purchased in 1995 when land was dirt cheap! Today they would never be able to get a community like this started in their wildest dreams! This land would cost several million euros. A Sociologist, Theologian and Physicist would never be able to raise millions without some serious entrepreneurial skills. It's a complete non-starter.

Portugal has a relatively low population density and cheap land compared to their native Germany. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population_density It's one of the few countries with enough arable land to support this style of community. But it's definitely not a "template" for the whole world; not even close.

If 95% of people thought this ["Peace & Love"] way the other 5% would annihilate them. Look no further than the resource war in Ukraine right now. One country is focussed on peace and development the other invades to grab their resources. If Ukraine didn't have a military they would have been immediately conquered by Putin & Co. We could argue that being part of NATO, a community based in PT has low risk of being invaded ... But PT still has to maintain a military/war budget to be part of NATO. None of these hippies were minimally involved in creating the global strategic alliances that lead to the unprecedented peace and economic prosperity that we all benefit from today.

I completely agree that capitalism sucks for the people at the bottom of the pyramid. 😖 But that has more to do with the concentration of wealth in the hands of the greedy few. In a nutshell this cheating/[lying]() A-hole is the problem: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bill+gates+land+grab image

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/03/melinda-french-gates-friendly-bill-gates image

The fact that billionaires are allowed to buy up vast amounts of farm land and then drive up prices of crops that the whole population depends on is utterly insane! But a "peace & love" community is doing nothing to counter the disturbing trend.

Anyway, back to the topic of Tamera I'd be keen to visit and learn from them with a reasonably open mind. 💭