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Are climate doomers right? #139

Open nelsonic opened 1 year ago

nelsonic commented 1 year ago


when you think about the inevitable climate catastrophe and collapse of global food supply in the next 30-50 years. i.e in our lifetime or that of our children.

What action are you going to take? πŸ’­

nelsonic commented 11 months ago



Buying land: https://github.com/dwyl/phase-three/issues/116 And planting a lot more trees. Is exactly what I want to do. The sooner the better!


nelsonic commented 11 months ago



nelsonic commented 11 months ago

It's worse than predicted ... https://youtu.be/dk8pwE3IByg

nelsonic commented 11 months ago

What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn't Want You To Know | Al Gore | TED: https://youtu.be/xgZC6da4mco image

nelsonic commented 11 months ago

We can easily participate in 4 of these.

nelsonic commented 9 months ago

Polluted air reduces life expectancy by up to 9 years: https://youtu.be/2OWYgOzEduE?&t=439

nelsonic commented 5 months ago

β€œI wasn't worried about climate change. Now I am.” https://youtu.be/4S9sDyooxf4

To be clear: this is just the title of the video by a prominent physicist YouTuber. I, Nelson, am not β€œworried”. I know exactly what to do about Climate Change. I’m just stuck shouting into the void … 😒

nelsonic commented 2 weeks ago

https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv225xgy5xxo image

Nothing to see here ... πŸ™ˆ πŸ™ƒ Let's all just continue burning non-renewable fossil fuels β›½ πŸ”₯ that took hundreds millions of years to form πŸ¦– ⏳ and dump all that COβ‚‚ and other toxic gasses into our atmosphere 😷 I'm sure it will all be fine ... πŸ‘Œ 🀐