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Trees MVP ? #28

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

We are going to need to plant/grow a LOT of trees. Rather than requiring the Land before we plant, I propose we do an MVP to get started ASAP.

Proposal -> Local Nursery Contract

I propose that we do some research into getting a local nursery to plant/grow the trees for us and we pay them a fair price to take care of the trees until they are 3-5 years old and we can plant them out on our land. This is the fastest way for us to get started with Phase2 at the lowest possible cost (both time and money)



carolrmc commented 7 years ago

Pruning v important and costly - the nursery person you choose must be v carefully selected.

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@carolrmc totally agree! Pruning and "Training" are the most important things once the saplings are making progress. To my mind investing in growing trees could be a pretty good ROI on it's own. we could build our own tree growing/caring facility and hire a couple of part-time people and then sell the trees to the public or landscape people... we should consider our options here... We need to speak to the team at Janas #29 next time we visit...

LoverOfBeasts commented 7 years ago

Aloha. I am in Vancouver Canada, and I am planting orchard fruit, food forest plants, oyster mushrooms, and some annuals, as well as many companion plants and plants for the bees, etc. I am arranging a greenhouse to grow starts in now. I wonder if we could do a sister city project and learn and grow together. I am a grower, graphic designer, marketer, book publisher, too haha... It would be great to be able to sell world wide or even only to local markets. Currant bushes propagate easily by putting the stems in water, roots grow in about 2 weeks. The red and black berries are so important for our health. here's to low hanging fruit!

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@LoverOfBeasts we would love to remote-colloborate with you on your growing project(s)! are you already tracking your growing stats somewhere?

We have planted a few trees (currently only in pots) but have not set up our experiment log, yet! Our plan is to use RaspberryPi + Sensor to monitor our Trees an that Hardware project is currently in-progress (we expect it to be done with hardware+software in March) and planting our first batch of trees into soil in April! 🌱

Also, how did you find this Repo? (we have not publicised it anywhere... so really curious!)

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Mushrooms: https://youtu.be/bbOyecSqIkc 🍄

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

How mushrooms clean up the planet: https://youtu.be/2nOZghNGW2c