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Zero-Waste? #96

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

https://youtu.be/Gj38m08QLoE "waste is just a failure of the imagination"

Zero Waste Is Not the Only Solution - 4 Tips to Have a Bigger Impact: https://youtu.be/sO76q932VOo

How can we not have a trash can @home

iteles commented 4 years ago

Controlling your own level of waste is a walk in the park compared to controlling the level of waste of 30 people.

I certainly plan to have a feature in our app which tells people where and how to shop to reduce waste, we will have reuseable containers people can take shopping with them and we can also have and sell toiletries which we buy in bulk and people only need a small amount of (not a whole plastic bottle of) whilst they’re with us.

These are only the things I’ve started thinking about but the real day-to-day struggle will be food packaging.

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@iteles indeed. However the another way of looking at the challenge is that with 30 people we can buy most seasonal veg+fruit in reasonable bulk and have it delivered in reusable crates. If we buy lentils, beans, rice, etc. in bulk too from distributors we can cut down a lot of food packaging/waste. 💡

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDx image http://trashisfortossers.com/my-waste-free-hair-care-routine


related to #58 https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/05/plastic-bag-mariana-trench-pollution-science-spd 😞