dwyl / phoenix-ecto-encryption-example

🔐 A detailed example for how to encrypt data in an Elixir (Phoenix v1.7) App before inserting into a database using Ecto Types
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Is this open to key commitment exploitation? Password derived key? E2EE and MLS thoughts? #38

Open f0rest8 opened 3 years ago

f0rest8 commented 3 years ago


This is such an incredible repo/example, thank you to all at Dwyl for making this.

I was curious if this is susceptible to key commitment vulnerabilities?

Paper: https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1456 Cryptography.fm podcast episode: https://www.cryptography.fm/10

Password derived keys If so, then would it make sense to implement a password derived key mechanism part1 and part 2 from Badu's Medium posts?

I was thinking that the key/get_key process from AES.encrypt/1 is then pulling the password_derived_key from each person, perhaps making the system administration agnostic to the symmetric keys?

Asymmetric with sharing Or perhaps with asymmetric encryption, similar perhaps to part 3 and part 4 from Badu's Medium posts?

E2EE with MLS I guess at that point we're approaching "end-to-end" encryption in the browser (a dream)? Which, as I understand, we should be waiting for the IETF's Messaging Layer Security architecture/protocol standard to be ready for implementation?

Github MLS repos: Messaging Layer Security draft documents Datatracker: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/mls/about/

Would love to hear what you think, thank you.
