dwyl / print-me

:tada: a place for all things with the dwyl logo on: stickers, t-shirts, hats, etc
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Business cards | Front #7

Open iteles opened 9 years ago

iteles commented 9 years ago

Related to issue #6 on the back design of the business cards.

iteles commented 9 years ago

The option that's not here of course is plain white on the back with just the lettering and a small dwyl icon next to the name.

dwyl-business-card -back-portrait-plain border dwyl-business-card -back-portrait-slogan border dwyl-business-card -back-landscape border dwyl-business-card -back-landscape-with-icons border

iteles commented 9 years ago

@nelsonic I realise the twitter and the internet icons are the wrong way round :see_no_evil: but please let me know if you like any of these or would just like the back to be plain. They need to be at the printers tomorrow (Wednesday 24th) morning.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Cutting off the logo is not an option. I'm "not fussed" what you do with the rest. this is an Alpha business card.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Any reason why you cannot re-use the design from the T-Shirts?

iteles commented 9 years ago

This is the back, having anything other than just writing here is just to add visual interest. The front is where we can just re-use the t-shirt design.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

I don't need my card to be "visually interesting" I need it to be plain but informative.

iteles commented 9 years ago

@nelsonic No border on the actual card, this is just to give an idea of whitespace:

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

@iteles we can test this text on the landing page. Its too wordy and not enough of a draw when printed on a card.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Instead I would write a _question_ on the card:

Do you ever get to the end of a day and wonder where the time went?


How do you know what the most important thing is to work on?

see: http://www.amazon.com/Leading-Questions-Leaders-Solutions-Knowing/dp/1118658132/ref=dp_ob_title_bk

iteles commented 9 years ago

Are you spending your time on your most important tasks?

I feel like any of these phrases don't work too well on business cards, they just seem to be in a tone different to the one we want to go for :worried:

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Ok. please make a decision. thanks.

iteles commented 9 years ago

Getting 100 /websummit of these made for each of us.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

100...? is that how many people you are expecting to interact with? fair enough.

iteles commented 9 years ago

No, we'll have 200 business cards each, which will also give us an opportunity to trial the idea of sharpie-ing on routes. I can order more Nelson, just tell me how many you want with the /websummit route please.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

If you are happy with 200 cards, please place the order.

iteles commented 9 years ago

Alpha business cards done. Road testing these at the Web Summit in a couple of days and gathering feedback on anything that confuses people or questions they ask.


nelsonic commented 8 years ago

@markwilliamfirth what do you want yours to say?