dwyl / process-handbook

:green_book: Contains our processes, questions and journey to creating a team
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Capital allowance in Xero #152

Open rub1e opened 5 years ago

rub1e commented 5 years ago

From https://www.gov.uk/capital-allowances

You can claim capital allowances when you buy assets that you keep to use in your business, for example:

  • equipment
  • machinery
  • business vehicles, for example cars, vans or lorries

These are known as plant and machinery.

You can deduct some or all of the value of the item from your profits before you pay tax.

The specifics of what and how much we can claim on should be down to professional accountants; to make life easier for them, and to keep our books reconciled, we've set up an account code 789 - Capital Allowances

This doesn't do anything to the transactions, it's just a convenient way of keeping track of them for the accountants to deal with at a later date (this has been approved by our bookkeeper!)

rub1e commented 5 years ago

General process for handbook - adding a new account code