dwyl / product-roadmap

:globe_with_meridians: Because why wouldn't you make your company's product roadmap Public on GitHub?
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Where do I make a suggestion for a feature for your app? #17

Open iteles opened 4 years ago

iteles commented 4 years ago

I have thoughts/cool things I'd like to see an app do. It might be cool for your app to do.

Where can I open issues about this?

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@iteles here: https://github.com/dwyl/app/issues :shipit: If we get to the point where the GH issues are unwieldy, we can re-think it, but for now I think this is the best way to do it. 💭

iteles commented 4 years ago

:+1: We should add this to the readme (was my point) ☺️

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@iteles we'll defo add it to the readme once we get going. 👍