dwyl / product-roadmap

:globe_with_meridians: Because why wouldn't you make your company's product roadmap Public on GitHub?
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The Open Calendar, Task and Note Space is a Mess #26

Open nelsonic opened 2 years ago

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Totally agree with this post by Steven Van Bael: https://stevenvanbael.com/open-calendar-task-space-is-a-mess

The discussion on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28358463 Mostly people are missing his main points. Top comment is discussing Nextcloud https://github.com/nextcloud/server There are several other tools mentioned but none of them come close to solving the biggest issues.

My biggest issue with Nextcloud beyond the ugly UI and sub-par UX (discussed in the HN thread) is the fact that testing is such a low-priority for the project leaders ... They added CodeCov a 4 years ago and nobody has bothered to add tests for half the codebase: https://app.codecov.io/gh/nextcloud/server image They have hundreds of files that aren't tested so bugs/regressions are inevitable.

The first part of this puzzle I want to tackle, as previously mentioned is Tasks. I've expanded/clarified this roadmap in: https://github.com/dwyl/product-roadmap/pull/22 assigned to @iteles for review.

nelsonic commented 9 months ago
