dwyl / product-roadmap

:globe_with_meridians: Because why wouldn't you make your company's product roadmap Public on GitHub?
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Discussion: `DELETE` an `item` or `timer` ? #41

Open nelsonic opened 1 year ago

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

This outline is "Work in Progress". It will eventually form a "blog" post published on our website to answer this question.

The idea of [permanently] deleting an item or timer has been mentioned a couple of times recently. This was answered in some detail in: https://github.com/dwyl/app/issues/227#issuecomment-482157135 but ... We need to address it systematically so that the topic can be captured concisely for everyone to understand.

Please start thinking about what we are building as the

_Ledger for Getting Things DoneTM_ πŸ“
(Both Alone and Collaboratively)

The value of the BTC Blockchain comes from its' immutability. The fact that it's a distributed ledger means that people can trust that transactions are recorded accurately. . If people could simply delete a transaction from the blockchain it would lose the point entirely. Think about it ... πŸ’­

Q: Would anyone buy into or hodl BTC if transactions could be deleted? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
A: Of course not! That would totally defeat the objective!

But What About People Who Want to Delete the Past...?

We know that some people want to delete [i.e. "forget"] their past ... 🚫 Heck, one of our favourite films: wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_Sunshine_of_the_Spotless_Mind follows this premise. πŸ’” But if you watch till the end of the film you see how Joel deeply regrets erasing his past/memories. While your memories/past can form a big part of who you are, or at least who you were. You don't have to let them define you! Plenty of people move on from painful memories without deleting them. Far better to just live your life and if you made mistakes in the past, learn from them so they aren't repeated!

For better or worse, The Internet Remembers Everything You Do. This is the message we will share with our children as they grow up and anyone else who cares to listen. Yes, this must make life a nightmare for kids who put their worst behaviour on social networks or even worse have it posted without their consent by other people and are cyber bullied 😒

We aren't building a Social Network

We aren't building a "social network".
At least not in the frivolous time-wasting sense. Yes, there will be people, places, groups and items that can contain any type of content (text, photos, videos, etc)

People Won't Think of the @dywl App as a Place to Cyber-bully ...

We will make it very clear to the people using the platform in Schools that it's for:

  1. Capturing knowledge and insights.
  2. Getting work done
  3. Sharing items with specific people with strong controls and privacy.

We don't expect anyone to post anything potentially embarrassing to our platform, or if they do, they can simply manage the privacy of it. i.e: if you want to keep secrets, just don't share them!!

Right to be Forgotten?

Yes, there is the "Right to be Forgotten" in the EU: https://gdpr.eu/right-to-be-forgotten previously discussed in: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-blockchain/issues/2 πŸ”— And we will work that into our platform ... hence separating the people from the app. We fully intend to add an additional backward-compatible layer of privacy [with accountability] to the people πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ and when we introduce mentions they will be privacy-first too, putting the person in control.

But on this topic of deleting data. It's strong "no". We will implement the ability to archive and revoke access to items