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Docs: Do we even care about `Desktop`? #46

Open nelsonic opened 1 year ago

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Short answer: No.

Longer answer: 10% ...

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Mobile: 90%+ 📱

Device Usage %
Desktop/Laptop 10%
Mobile 90%

We expect that 90%+ of usage of our App to be on Mobile. 🥇

If we have to focus our limited resources somewhere it's Mobile 🎯 because like it or not, a smart phone&& is the device most people have ✅ and most importantly it's the device they always have with them**. 📱 I don't carry a Laptop with me when I go grocery shopping, but I have my shopping list on my phone. 🛒 I always have my iPhone because I use it for photos, notes and messaging. 📷 📝 💬

It's the ubiquity that we need to understand and focus on. 💭 The App we are building will be a constant companion to the person using it. 👌 It will be a combination of "Second Brain", Personal/Executive Assistant and Life Coach! 🧠

Some stats: in 2022 there were 7.26 Billion active smartphones: 📈 https://www.statista.com/statistics/218984/number-of-global-mobile-users-since-2010/


Yes, some people have more than smart phone 🙄 but the vast majority have at least one. 1️⃣ Smartphone Penetration - horrible marketing term to mean "percentage of people who own and use a smartphone - is 80 - 85% in most "developed" OECD countries.



Developing countries lag behind for obvious reasons - the cost of the device and subscription ... But usage in those countries is growing fast as device prices plummet and carrier service improves. For many people their smart phone is their primary device, they only touch a desktop/laptop computer when they need to do something they cannot get done on their phone. We know Gen-Z people who do their homework (e.g. essays/assignments) on their smart phones. 📱 Yes, there people that write essays using their thumbs and don't know how to touch-type!! 🤯

Are We Ignoring Desktop? 💻 🤷‍♀️

Absolutely not! We are just not going to spend more than 10% of our time testing on Desktop because we hypothesize that only a small number of people will use the App on Desktop.

Obviously for those 10% of people using the App on Desktop the UI/UX needs to be as good as possible. And that's why we are using Flutter to ensure that we have a shared codebase across all devices/platforms.

Constrained View ?

Will the App be full-screen on Desktop or will it be a constrained view? 🤷‍♀️ Good question. let's explore it in Figma. 💭

iteles commented 1 year ago

@nelsonic I would suggest an ipad-size constrained view for the MVP on desktop to prevent the reports of unnecessary bugs until we can actually focus on Desktop. Goes hand in hand with the view of not wasting our precious resources!