dwyl / product-roadmap

:globe_with_meridians: Because why wouldn't you make your company's product roadmap Public on GitHub?
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(Why/How/When) Does Building a CMS "fit in" to the Product Roadmap? #6

Closed nelsonic closed 5 years ago

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Short answer: Yes! Long(er) answer: Stay tuned!

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Supporting data/screens for long-form answer/post I am writing. Please ignore! if you don't like "criticism" STOP Reading Now and instead enjoy some "pink fluffy unicorns" ...


Preface / Context

As the "technical lead" of @dwyl the "buck stops here". I take ownership and responsibility for anything where technical choices, implementation and quality control is concerned. Which means if something is "sub optimal" in any way, it's "on me".

Good Thinking


https://www.good-thinking.uk good-thinking-home-page good-thinking-anxiety

 Case Study

https://dwyl.com/case-studies/nhs-england/good-thinking.html good-thinking-case-study good-thinking-case-study-2

Objective Technical Analysis

Write-up to follow in a blog post ... just uploading the screenshots for now.

Page Speed

https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.good-thinking.uk good-thinking-page-speed-insights

Light House

https://googlechrome.github.io/lighthouse/viewer/ good-thinking-lighthouse-report

Web Hint

https://webhint.io/scanner/56cafff5-aab4-41b9-a7c0-f1c4d339c46d good-thinking-webhint-results

CSS Stats




It should be "safe to assume" that https://wagtail.io is made using the Wagtail CMS: it's unclear from: https://builtwith.com/?https%3a%2f%2fwagtail.io ... what is clear is that they are using a "Kitchen Sink" approach: https://builtwith.com/detailed/wagtail.io wagtail-cms-built-with wagtail-cms-built-with-2

The https://webhint.io stats for the https://wagtail.io website: 148 errors: wagtail-cms-webhint-errors

Lighthouse Score: 62% for accessibility and 67% for performance. wagtail-cms-lighthouse-score wagtail-cms-lighthouse-accessibility wagtail-cms-lighthouse-perf

https://cssstats.com/stats?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwagtail.io wagtail-cms-css-stats

If the CMS does not optimise for accessibility or performance "out-of-the-box" we will spend all our time building with the CMS only for our end-user's time to be wasted with slow page-loads and inaccessible content.

"Throwing Stones"...?

To be clear the dwyl.com website should not be used as a "benchmark" for all these metrics. We know we are "behind"! see: https://github.com/dwyl/dwyl-site/issues/447 and https://github.com/dwyl/dwyl-site/issues/450

Light House Score: pretty freakin' good. (we aren't focussed on having a PWA right now...) dwyl com-lighthouse-score

WebHint not so great ... we have an issue open for it! https://github.com/dwyl/dwyl-site/issues/450 https://webhint.io/scanner/d873de22-23e1-445d-afe4-0fd59818a920 dwyl com-webhint

However what we do want to highlight is that while dwyl.com certainly requires some "TLC", the website is not an "Advert" for a CMS which is supposed to be the "answer to all your problems" ... According to the "testimonial" on their homepage, @pelliportraits want's to "Marry" the software: 🙄 wagtail-testimonial-quote-homepage

https://twitter.com/pelliportraits 27 tweets. of which the Wagtail quote is nowhere to be found. pelliportraits-twitter-27-tweets

Anyway, given my experience of using Wagtail, I want a divorce. I don't feel that the time we (the @dwyl team) invested in building a CMS-based website had a good "return on investment". The Travis-CI build log: https://travis-ci.org/wagtail/wagtail/builds is insightful: wagtail-travis-ci-builds-hit-and-miss At the time of writing/capturing this, the master branch of the project has failed build. And it's not an "isolated" event. What this should tell you is that Wagtail's core developers treat code quality as a "low priority" and using the CMS is at best "hit and miss".

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Closing as not "core".