dwyl / product-roadmap

:globe_with_meridians: Because why wouldn't you make your company's product roadmap Public on GitHub?
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What? section - should this be more detailed? #9

Closed Cleop closed 4 years ago

Cleop commented 5 years ago

As a team member working at dwyl I want to have a clear understanding of the goals/direction of the company So that I can ensure that my work/energy is being poured into where it is needed most.

I feel like the key points of 'what' the product roadmap is below:

Communication Personal Time Management Teamwork Life-long Learning Nutrition, Health and Fitness Personal Finance Management Self-Actualisation

Are very broad and relate but don't capture entirely the works and ideas of projects that I've heard discussed in person or elsewhere on github for the dwyl team. I'm no expert on roadmaps but on a personal level I think I would find things clearer if perhaps they were a little more specific or detailed.

@nelsonic - is this as detailed as you intended to make the product roadmap? Or do you think we should build out this section more before we launch further into building the roadmap?

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

@Cleop thank you for opening this issue/question. I agree that it can be difficult to understand the goals/direction of the company. We will be clarifying the product together (as a team) over the next few days/weeks. The order of the "key points" in the What section is the order we will be approaching them. We are building a "personal effectiveness" app. It will allow people to "track any activity" so that people can analyse how they spend their time. Managing your communications (so you don't get interrupted when you're trying to focus)

If you or anyone else is ever in any doubt as to what they should pour their effort into, use the simple heuristic:

  1. Finish the current task that is assigned to you.
  2. Address any issues that are assigned to you: e.g: https://github.com/issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+assignee%3Anelsonic
  3. Look at the "High Priority Help Wanted" issue list: https://github.com/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+org%3Adwyl+label%3Apriority-1+label%3A%22help+wanted%22 if there is something that you are able to help with, dive in and help! Comment/contribute! If you can conclude/close an issue by resolving it or because it's no longer time-relevant, do it!
  4. Deliberately practice and become excellent at the "core" skills required: https://github.com/dwyl/technology-stack. (you can never be "too good" at programming, UX or other creative work)
  5. Read the books we have on the tech and any other relevant business/psychology/design/personal effectiveness books e.g:

All of these books are relevant to the product we are building. If we can "translate" the "Tools of Titans" into an App we will automatically win.

RobStallion commented 5 years ago

@nelsonic Thanks for the response 👍

Only question I have (right now at least) is should we update this list to include the 'BLOCKED' label?

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

@RobStallion good point. 💡 The BLOCKED label (discussed in https://github.com/dwyl/labels/issues/87 ...) should only be applied in exceptionally rare circumstances and should be automatic. I have not included it (above) because we have not agreed on the Label in the dicussion thread and as a result it has not been universally applied to all our repos/projects so it's not a going to be a useful step (yet).

We currently only have one "Blocked" issue https://github.com/dwyl/cid/issues/11 which has an associated PR: https://github.com/dwyl/cid/pull/21 which keeps getting "bounced" back to me and is still only 60% complete. There is always a way that Docs/Examples can be improved. (I know that sounds "harsh" and "open ended" ... but the CID module is foundational so the more we "polish" and make it "appetising" to people in the wider Elixir/IPFS community, so that they will use it, report bugs, request features and contribute improvements the better for both the short-term and long term of of the module, you as a "senior developer", the company and the community) CID is an "entry point" re-useable module that we will be featuring in our beginner tutorials. Any doubt/confusion that a beginner may have when they first encounter it needs to be systematically addressed. That might not be the task in the current PR, but as I've said before, the PR can always be better. Badges? Coverage? Hex Docs? Detailed Usage Example? Example App that implements the module?

We do not currently have an "alert" system within the company for "Blocked" issues but we will need to create one ASAP so people can respond to high priority items (even if it means "pausing" their current task)

Cleop commented 5 years ago

I am going to understand @nelsonic's response to mean that you don't think we need to update the 'what' section of the readme and therefore this issue can be closed.

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

@Cleop the "What?" section of the Product Roadmap absolutely needs to be updated. Sadly, even though I agree that it is a high priority, I have not had the time to focus on it. Again, sadly other people have been demanding my attention on far less important topics.

I will get to this issue as soon as I have the time/headspace.

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Finally found (made) the time to update the Product Roadmap! Please See: #13 📝

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@cleop Thanks again for opening this issue. ❤️ Please see: https://github.com/dwyl/product-roadmap#what (and confirm if it improves understanding) If anything is unclear or requires more detail, please open more issues with specific questions. Our objective is for the answers in the Product Roadmap to be "stand alone". i.e. anyone (we have never met before) can read them an understand what we our goal & plan is. If anything is unclear we have failed and need to improve. Specific questions will help us to get clarity. e.g: #17

Cleop commented 4 years ago

This updated version looks clear ✨