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mymorningroutine.com #3

Open nelsonic opened 5 years ago

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

https://mymorningroutine.com/routines mentioned in https://github.com/nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io/issues/145#issuecomment-488254705 image


https://mymorningroutine.com/about "magazine" ... image


They are not building an app to execute on the vast array of morning routines. (at least not on the surface ...) They appear to be a purely content-driven site. If we were able to give them an "Affiliate" link to drive people to our App it could be "win-win".


https://mymorningroutine.com/press/ image

https://mymorningroutine.com/deals image




https://mymorningroutine.com/participate/ image

A google form: image


This is a curated content site designed to drive traffic to a page of Amazon Affiliate links and sell their book: https://www.amazon.com/My-Morning-Routine-Successful-Inspired/dp/0735220271 image 47 reviews mostly positive, but the Top review is quite scathing ... image It's a similar story on the UK site: image

This volume of reviews indicates the book has sold poorly. 📉

It could be worth attempting to partner with them and/or sponsor a newsletter (depending on cost) once we have our MVP tested and ready for "warm lead" users. https://mymorningroutine.com/sponsor/ image

Next Action: Re-visit once we have "Affiliate Links" in our MVP