dwyl / sendemail

💌 Simplifies reliably sending emails from your node.js apps using AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
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How do we find out if an email has bounced? #37

Open naazy opened 8 years ago

naazy commented 8 years ago

Currently, there is no obvious way to find out if an email has bounced.

roryc89 commented 7 years ago

In the oxabs project we use send the SES notifications to SQS (via AWS SNS) and then listen for SQS messages in our app and handle delivery/bounce notifications.

It would be possible to add this functionality to this module but I think it could be outside of it's scope?

iteles commented 7 years ago

@roryc89 I reckon you're right. Whilst it's useful to have this answered here, this is more of a job for a separate dashboard than this module per se 👍

PManager1 commented 2 years ago

so how do we know that email was really sent to the person or not ? without this feature, the reliability of using this goes way down.

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Hi @jpca999 absolutely. Knowing the send/bounce/open stats is super useful but beyond the scope of sendemail. AWS SES collects the stats behind the scenes and w have a Lambda function that keeps track of them and inserts them into a DB. Specifically: https://github.com/dwyl/aws-ses-lambda

Then we have a dashboard for viewing the stats: https://github.com/dwyl/email

PManager1 commented 2 years ago

i thought aws provide a tool similar to this , and the email will be sent back to the sender telling the email didn't go through just like the usual email.

but hey this looks great.