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Mattresses & pillows for optimal sleep for as many people as possible #11

Open iteles opened 7 years ago

iteles commented 7 years ago

We have been working remotely for the last month and a half.

During this time I have noticed that mattresses across Portugal appear to all be hard as rock and that a thin memory foam mattress topper makes a huge difference to my sleep quality. But the conversations I have had with people show that there are different preferences - some because they've never tried anything else and some because firm mattresses are their 'thing'.

So if we were to try to furnish a dwyl summer hq with beds, mattresses and pillows to promote optimal sleep for the most people (with the knowledge that one size does not fit all), what kinds would these be?

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

@iteles having read the Book "Sleep" by Nick Littlehales: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sleep-Change-sleep-this-minute/dp/0241975972 see: https://github.com/dwyl/sleep/issues/25 for interview/podcast which summarises much of the book.

I feel like I have a bit more insight into this now; most people sleep with the wrong "equipment". Each person needs their own personal "sleep kit" including a tailored mattress, pillow and cover. "Hard" or spring mattresses are not advisable for "athletes" to achieve restorative sleep.

If you do not consider yourself to be a "high performing" person, then ignore this and stick to your one-size-fits-all mass-produced spring mattress which has the same springs throughout and offers virtually no support for people who have "curves" .

Most people don't realise/understand that the reason spring mattresses exist is because they are cheap to mass-produce, light to transport and have planned obsolescence baked in - the springs "wear out" - so the seller can have periodic income from you being forced to "upgrade" ...

What is a must is determining body type: image and matching the (memory) foam density to that type so that one's spine is supported during sleep.