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How to have a good day when you have slept badly section? #26

Open iteles opened 5 years ago

iteles commented 5 years ago

People are usually actively looking for information on this topic because they already sleep badly and through experience, one of the hardest things about trying to incorporate the habits of better sleep is that there is a learning curve for your body.

Having a consistent bed time for example, often touted as one of the things that makes the most difference to getting better sleep, comes with a difficult adaptation period of insomnia and early wake-up times for most. This often wreaks havoc on people's next day, worsening the situation (that "I really should be asleep by now" thought whirring in your head) and killing motivation.

It dawned on my that the more chaotic nature of 'the day after' a bad night's sleep is particularly unproductive because there is no plan for dealing with it.

I propose therefore that a good addition to this repo would be a section on 'How to cope with a bad night's sleep', both whilst you're adjusting your habits and because in life, for one reason or another, these are inevitable.

The kind of thing to include here are doing your most important task first thing when you have energy, meditation, green tea (short term solutions should come with a disclaimer), nutrition, taking a shower, etc.