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When I'm exhausted all attempts at focus (Deep) work are futile #34

Open nelsonic opened 5 years ago

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Yesterday (Sunday) I made every effort to reset my circadian rhythm (after a couple of late nights - going to bed just after midnight - on Friday and Saturday I was feeling rather tired ...). I avoided all processed foods (sugar!) and meat, stopped my green tea (caffeine) at 13:00, went for a 40min (high intensity) bike ride and then spent the evening closing off tasks from last week to ensure I had a fresh desk.

Last night I went to bed at 21:30 as per the recommendation in the "Why We Sleep" Book #33 I made a concerted effort during the day to stay extra hydrated, avoided sugar (completely) and tapered off my green tea . Only drank lemon water (squeezed lemon in tap water) followed by a camomile tea with fresh ginger. I managed to fall asleep around 22:00 and rested well until I was needlessly woken up!

Sadly I was woken up at 03:00 by a "night owl" ... šŸ˜ž and despite trying to fall asleep again for over and hour I was not able to ... so I got up and went to the lounge to read. (as recommended in all books on sleep I've read) The reading light woke me up and I only felt sleep again at 06:00 ... (The time I should have been waking up!)

When I'm exhausted I lose all focus/motivation and my whole body hurts. I know I cannot go back to bed and try and rest because I have meetings and doctors appointments today. Meetings I felt prepared for and was even looking forward to (getting out of the way early in the week so that I could focus on more creative work!)

I thought I was setting myself up for a great day and week by doing everything I could. I even put out the clothes (and swimming gear) I wanted to use on Monday morning.

I feel this is more of a "communication problem" than anything else ...