dwyl / sleep

🛌 MVP Sleep-tracking App with Step-by-Step Tutorial
23 stars 3 forks source link

Respio sleep coach #38

Open iteles opened 5 years ago

iteles commented 5 years ago

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/respio/respio-sleep-coach-track-manage-improve-your-sleep/ image

I'm almost at the stage where I'm keen to get 'one of each' of the latest sleep gadgets (obviously within reason and only those backed by some scientific rigour) to test out in https://github.com/dwyl/home and see if any are helpful in our mission to improve people's sleep as the number 1 contributor to health and longevity.

But the challenge for me is data leakage. None of the apps, coaches, gadgets are even close to open source, so effectively we're just paying to give some startup a lot of important data. This particular app also gives you the option of granting the app control of your microphone 'to record snoring'. Big brother much?

This is, however, a problem with ALL current solutions and to do better, it might also behoove us to learn from some of these to see what works for people and what doesn't. I'm opening this issue therefore to log the existence of this gadget and app, should we choose to test it out.

NB: Of course my assumption is that most reviews at this stage are paid for as the product doesn't really exist and reviews like this have zero additional information other than the product's own blurb: https://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/biometric-sleep-coach/