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How to get started with new Languages #100

Open thebergamo opened 7 years ago

thebergamo commented 7 years ago

I like start learn new languages with a project based to do this. The idea behind it is create a repository with ideas to create projects with different levels start with simpler and growing to more complex projects to try and test new languages;

What you guys/ladies thinking about this?

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@thebergamo this is exactly how we learn. hence all the learn-xyz repos in dwyl 😉

The reason we haven't created any new language-specific repos e.g learn-elm, learn-go, learn-erlang, learn-elixir, learn-python, learn-julia or learn-rust is because we don't think we have mastered our existing Tech Stack: https://github.com/dwyl/technology-stack ... ⌛️

There is a school of thought that suggests learning a "new" language will help you think in a new way an see your existing code with new perspective ... e.g. learning clojure to learn about Functional Programming will help you with your JS FP ... 🤔

While I agree with this and have enjoyed learning several programming languages over the years, I still think most people have not mastered Core JavaScript (Good Parts) https://github.com/dwyl/goodparts and to add a whole other language/runtime in the mix would only confuse them. 😖

However, for the people who feel they have mastered JS, we should have a list of languages they should consider learning next ... what language would you suggest and _why_? ❓

thebergamo commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic I agree with your point, the idea is not creating a lot of repositories about any new or old languages. Is just give ideas about some projects to how to learn a new language.

For example, with languages, most common used in backend, like Go, Erlang, Rust and many others, create a simple path like: "Learn-backend" or just create an single repo with the ideas and micro tutorials about these themes.

The idea, is giving ideas to start learn something, but not specifying that thing.

## Backend
[ ] Create a K/V database
[ ] Create  REST API with Auth and respond with JSON, JSONP and XML
[ ] Create a simple HTTP framework
[ ] ...

## Frontend
[ ] Create a TODO List
[ ] Create a Template Engine
[ ] ...

## Mobile
[ ] Create a CRUD for User management
[ ] Create a Client with an Open API
[ ] ...

This make sense?

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Ahh... I get it. sorry for being a bit slow ... 🐌 That sir is a really good idea. 💡 (we have thought of having a suggested project list for http://www.foundersandcoders.com/programme/ but not explicitly listed them so far ... we are still writing "tutorials" for all the "basics" of our stack...!)

thebergamo commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure, if I got the entire idea behind founders & coders. But you guys, need to become this initiatives in South America too! Just btw, the idea is create projects, well descriptions to all this paths :D how we can proceed?