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:bulb: A Quick-start Guide for People who want to dwyl :heart: :white_check_mark:
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People who love what they do - do it better. #145

Open nelsonic opened 6 years ago

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

While reading an article on Bloomberg ... specifically the one on how the GitHub Co-Founders sold-out the community to Microsoft: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-04/github-billionaires-will-own-more-microsoft-stock-than-its-ceo

I was served this advert that states: "people who love what they do - do it better." ... 💭 image

Ok, I'll "bite" ... https://www.glintinc.com/goahead (I don't "normally" click on ads ... but I'm intrigued!) image Don't you love a website that doesn't tell you anything ("above the fold") but forces you to scroll ... image Kept scrolling ... image

image clicked on the Read more >> link image And learned exactly nothing.

Kept scrolling ... image

Got to the bottom of the landing page. I've learnt exactly nothing about the product, and now you want my personal data ... image

Went to: https://www.glintinc.com and the home page is no more informative. image OK, I get that you are "People-Driven" ... image

Watch their video on how "Glassdoor measures and improves employee engagement with Glint" ... image

Kept scrolling ... image

"The powerful platform that helps bring out the best in your people — and your organization."


So I took the "tour" ... https://www.glintinc.com/people-success-platform image

You've got dashboards with few graphs ... image image

https://www.glintinc.com/team-effectiveness ... image image

Finally a glimpse of the actual product...! image image

Bit of desk research on the company: https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=285459070 image Their "executive" team is 80% male ... But ... their Chief Customer Officer is Ms. Mary Poppen: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marypoppen image

Mary Poppins works for them!! (that's awesome) https://youtu.be/U8VHc49ZdP4

They've borrowed a lot of money to solve a problem that shouldn't exist... https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/glint#section-overview image

When a user of your product thinks they could achieve the same result with Google Forms ... https://www.capterra.com/p/154985/Glint/ image

How Much...?

I tried searching the Glint website for pricing ... nothing! Apparently they do not make their pricing public instead you have to "contact sales". Does anyone else find it ironic that a company focussed on improving engagement, is secretive about how much they charge organisations of their product...?

Challenge accepted. a few google queries later: https://www.sensienthr.com/comparison (see last column of this comparison table): image

$40k/yr ... 😮

@iteles apparently, your idea for making an app to help people do work they love, has been "market validated".

So ... what are we "waiting for" to build a much better way to help people do what they love...? ⏳

newswim commented 6 years ago

👏 this post is amazing

tunnckoCore commented 6 years ago

Damn... What a journey! :rofl:

iteles commented 6 years ago

@nelsonic I felt what you were feeling as I was scrolling through this mega issue 😆

But also... yay!

YvesMuyaBenda commented 6 years ago

I suspect @nelsonic dreams in screenshots!

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Guess who just bought Glint...? https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/08/linkedin-acquires-employee-engagement-and-retention-platform-glint/ Microsoft. (AKA LinkedIn)

Terms/price undisclosed. But it should interest you that LinkedIn has given up on building features, they simply leverage their P/E ratio (inflated stock price) to buy the company that has the feature(s) they want to integrate (e.g: Lynda.com ...) and "grow by acquisition". We all know the likelihood of success in these kinds of transactions ... If anything this is an opportunity for any alternative/competitor to Glint, because they will be completely distracted by "integrating" with the "systems" of their corporate overlords. The founders of Glint will be too busy counting their millions to remember to improve their core product and as a result it will stagnate. We've seen this pattern so many times it feels like ground-hog-day. The only people who "succeed" in "M&A" are the "advisors" who just walked a way with a percentage of the transaction value without any commitment to the outcome of the deal.

Further discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18169332

newswim commented 5 years ago

😆 @ this part of the pricing chart

screen shot 2018-10-28 at 12 48 28 pm
nelsonic commented 5 years ago

@newswim excellent spot/point. 🔍 🤣 You'd think getting feedback or "recognition" from peers would be pretty integral to this product ...

Having worked in "big" companies and seen "employee engagement" [top down] directives, it's very much a "box ticking" exercise for the HR/Exec team. They couldn't care less about people loving the work they do. Most corporate managers don't [want to] understand human motivation. They prefer to assume that everyone is motivated by money ("pay for performance") or job titles and totally ignore intrinsic motivation and joy of accomplishment. We have Frederick Winslow Taylor to thank for this ... "The Principles of Scientific Management". indeed. 🙄

Anyone interested in the History and Future of "Management", and understanding "working @dwyl", I'd highly recommend reading: https://hbr.org/product/the-future-of-management/2505-HBK-ENG and/or watching Gary Hamel's Talk on "Future of Management" (16 Minutes) image https://youtu.be/YYaYwCA-FaM