dwyl / summer

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Summer Reading - Please Come Upstairs today and Select 1-3 books to read. #31

Closed nelsonic closed 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Hi Awesome Peoples! Please come upstairs and take your pick of up to 3 books for reading this summer. image

We ask that you

  1. Once you have chosen your 1-3 book(s) please Submit a Pull Request to: https://github.com/dwyl/start-here/blob/master/books-to-read.md listing the book(s) you intend to read.
  2. Bring them with you to Portugal (if you are coming)
  3. Once you have finished reading it, please update the books-to-read.md doc with what you learned.


iteles commented 8 years ago

@dwyl/doers There are still a few PRs missing :) Did anyone grab essentialism by the way?