dwyl / summer

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Who wants profile photos? #40

Closed iteles closed 8 years ago

iteles commented 8 years ago

I know @nelsonic and often mention we want to take some good photos of ourselves we can use as profile pictures. High resolution, interesting backgrounds and well focused, like http://www.foryourself.co/#/jongold or http://www.foryourself.co/#/alexx_rae

Seeing as Lisbon is kind of stunning (a totally and unashamedly biased point of view) and we have a pretty sweet DSLR, #dwylsummer might be a good time to get some shots.


(from @Lisboninsta on Instagram)

iteles commented 8 years ago

@minaorangina @rjmk @tsop14 @jackpandas @beechware @FilWisher @nikhilaravi @nelsonic What say you? :sunglasses:

tsop14 commented 8 years ago

Yes please! :camera: :sunny:

nikhilaravi commented 8 years ago


nelsonic commented 8 years ago

@iteles when are we time-tabling this?

iteles commented 8 years ago

Either Friday afternoon post segways or Saturday?

iteles commented 8 years ago

We ended up not doing this as folks didn't really feel like going into Lisbon Friday or Saturday, but we certainly got some lovely photos. @nelsonic Shall we try and get some for ourselves?

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

When ever you are free. :camera:

iteles commented 8 years ago

Definitely one to remember for next year! I've added a #dwylsummer2016 milestone. Shall we close it for now and add it as an issue to dwyl-summer2016 in January?

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

Agreed. :+1: