dwyl / summer

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Code of Conduct #8

Closed nelsonic closed 9 years ago

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

We need a great code of conduct everyone needs to read and agree to before we launch this summer!

A few simple rules e.g:


@iteles you have done more research into this than anyone else. could you please collate your findings into an MD file (preferably its own repo so others can re-use it) _Thanks_! :+1:

iteles commented 9 years ago

I started with one a little specific to the summer and will generalise into a dwyl code of conduct for sure!

iteles commented 9 years ago

Dan Ariely has done some fascinating research into the field of (dis)honesty and cheating which I've been reading about recently.

He does one particular set of experiments (the matrix experiments) where there is always a small average level of cheating (what the participants deem as the socially accepted level). However, when the student were asked to sign their college's honor code [search for 'honor code' in the article] despite the fact that these college didn't actually have honour codes, cheating was completely eradicated. It seems that signing the code is a simple reminder of what is right and therefore they don't cheat. (Aside: for me, one of the most interesting parts of these experiments is that the Princeton students who not only have an honour code but spend also get a full week of induction on morality and ethics cheat just as much as other college students in the experiments when neither group is made to sign the honour code)

The relevance to this issue is this: I wonder whether asking people to good naturedly sign a code of conduct would make any difference to their behaviour from then onwards.

My hypothesis is that any changes would be short-lived (probably 24 hours at most) but it's a fascinating field of study!

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

That is fascinating but not unexpected. The point of this issue is to create a General Code of Conduct to be placed in: https://github.com/dwyl/start-here for everyone to read and Optionally sign.

Most people will naturally observe the "Golden Rule" but for those who don't (the usual suspects who are super loud/inconsiderate and leave FAC in a mess when they go home for the day) it would be interesting to see if those individuals decide not to sign the Code ... That would be an (indirect though clear) acknowledgement that their behaviour is not conducive to working in a group/team ...

The other hypothesis is: (given that dwyl will be a social app) if everyone was able to see on your dwyl profile if you had signed "The DWYL Code" (or chosen to skip it) would that make you a less attractive team mate for activities?

Would we see people retrospectively going back, reading The Code and signing it?

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

@iteles there's a site for this: http://todogroup.org/opencodeofconduct/ But (I still think) we need our own repo...

iteles commented 9 years ago

Totally agree: https://github.com/dwyl/code-of-conduct/blob/16813b5262ac22d020a593d50070c2aa7f8a85af/why-we-wrote-this.md

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Does that mean we can _close_ this issue?

iteles commented 9 years ago

I reckon so, any issues/improvements on the code of conduct should be opened against the code of conduct repo. :+1:

iteles commented 9 years ago

Also... this one https://github.com/dwyl/start-here/issues/20