dwyl / video

:tv: [HELP WANTED!] if you aren't on TV (YouTube!) you don't exist!
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What Types of Videos are we Creating? #72

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

⚠️ Disclaimer: this might not be for you (and that's "OK"!)

If you are the type of person who feels that "all the music has already been made", or how could anyone possibly come up with anything new after centuries of music and a "finite number of notes" on the guitar/piano/etc. ... then you probably shouldn't read this.

If you have a fixed mindset about anything (money, relationships, ideas, abilities, skills), work on that first. And if after you have developed an abundance/growth mindset, you feel like you have something to share, come back and join me/us in creating content that is meaningful to you.

Make Art 🎨

My objective with making videos is nothing more than making "art".

image https://youtu.be/rdUeq09cGJ0

I very much agree with Seth Godin's sentiment in this video. In my youth, I was against "art for art's sake" because I didn't see the point. But I've since realised that Art very much has a purpose: happiness!

My Plan: Tell the Story That I Want to Watch 🍿

My plan is to tell the story that I will watch back when I am old(er) and no longer able to run around.

Over the next 5 years (at least) my/our plan is to create a lot of videos on a wide range of subjects. I'm 100% aware that there are already thousands of channels for each type of video listed below. In the same way that there were already thousands of people making Art long before Basquiat or Banksy made their first scribble. Everywhere around the world there are people creating new content each day because they are driven to make it for themselves. Each day there are 350,000 babies born in the world. Most of the people having children want to have them. (sadly there are still many kids born to people who don't want them, but that's a whole other topic, let's focus on the billions of people who do want to kids). If you feel there are "already enough people" in the world you won't understand the people who are still procreating. What most non-creators don't get about creators is that they do it for first and foremostly for themselves. And that's exactly why I have opened this issue.

If the list below feels "overwhelming", pick one type of video that you would enjoy making and start thinking about that.

Types of Videos 🎥

We have a list of channels that have great content and/or production value: https://github.com/dwyl/video/issues/26 If there is a YT channel you love, add it to the list.

iteles commented 4 years ago

I would add 'Good Habits' to this list. I'd like to have a category for all those little things in life we would like to incorporate, but maybe need a little help with how: asking good questions, sleep routines/challenges, time blocking and things of the sort.

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

A good example of a wide range of tech videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/sweska/videos?sort=p image Sayanee Basu https://github.com/sayanee content is seriously underrated (IMO). Sayanee released most of their content as Podcast/Vimeo where I think it was more popular than YT.